Trafalgar Cricket Club child safe commitment

Trafalgar Cricket Club child safe commitment

THE Trafalgar Cricket Club fully endorses Cricket Australia’s Child Safety Commitment.

The Trafalgar Cricket Club is committed to to safeguarding children and young people by:

(a) providing a safe and supportive physical and online environment for all children and young peopel, by

-establishing culturally safe environments in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences
of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued; and

-paying particular attention to the needs of vulnerable children, children with disability, children from
culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex
children and young people.

b) ensure that the experiences of Children and Young People are free from any form of Prohibited
Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming;

c) empower Children and Young People to act and respond to behaviour that is not acceptable
or inappropriate;

d) publicise and make available the Codes of Behaviour that underpin our sport;

e) make information available on who Children and Young People can approach if they feel unsafe or
they become aware of or are concerned about any form of Prohibited Conduct including Child Abuse
or Grooming;

f) establish a reporting framework that allows Children and Young People and others to report any
incident affecting the safety and well-being of Children and Young People; and

g) provide support services to any Child or Young Person and their families who might be affected by any
form of Prohibited Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming.

Our commitment to parents and guardians:

(a) communicate with parents and guardians of Children and Young People regarding the expectations of our sport in ensuring a safe
environment for Children and Young People; and
b) publicise and share information with parents and guardians about safeguarding Children and Young People and where they can go to for
assistance if they require further information, advice or would like to make a complaint under this Policy

Our commitment to being a child safe organisation:

In order to become child safe organisations, Australian Cricket and the Affiliated Associations and Clubs seek to:
a) ensure that Australian Cricket Personnel and Australian Cricket Players adhere to Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of
Behaviour for Australian Cricket Personnel;
b) ensure that Cricket Participants adhere to Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs;
c) use best practice in the recruitment and screening checks for Australian Cricket Personnel and Cricket Participants;
d) ensure that Australian Cricket Players who will or will likely have contact with Children and Young People undertake screening processes;
e) induct Australian Cricket Personnel, Australian Cricket Players and Cricket Participants appropriately for their relevant position, recognising
their role in safeguarding Children and Young People and to provide ongoing learning and development opportunities related to child safety;
f) take steps to ensure that Australian Cricket Personnel, Australian Cricket Players and Cricket Participants do not engage in Prohibited
Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming or exploit Children or Young People involved in our sport;
g) educate Australian Cricket Personnel, Australian Cricket Players and Cricket Participants as to the Codes of Behaviour that underpin our sport;
h) ensure that all Australian Cricket Personnel, Australian Cricket Players and Cricket Participants report any concerns, complaints or any
allegations of Prohibited Conduct including Child Abuse or Grooming; and
i) ensure that all Australian Cricket Personnel, Australian Cricket Players and Cricket Participants are provided with the appropriate support
following any incidents or complaints raised under this Policy.

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